Short Survey for Individuals who are Transgender or Gender Nonconforming – earn a $10 gift card
Currently looking for participants who identify as trans or gender nonconforming and are at least 19 years old for a research study about mental health, resiliency, well-being, and experiences of stigma. Participants are asked to complete a brief set of questions, which is expected to take 30 minutes. Participants will earn a $10 gift card for their time.
To find out more and access the survey, please go to:
This research is being conducted by Debra Hope, a researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln ( and the TransCollaborations team, a community-based research partnership with TGNC communities in traditionally underserved areas ( This research has been approved by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s IRB: Protocol 17415. Deb and her team can be reached at [email protected].