As we reopen, the DC Center is doing our best to meet the needs of our community while creating a safe environment for our staff, volunteers, and visitors. Please see below some of the information available about our space, our meetings, and other questions. We will update this information as necessary as the situation changes or we understand better what information people are looking for.
What are The DC Center’s hours of operation?
- Mondays through Fridays from 12pm to 6pm
- Saturdays from 11am to 3pm
- Sundays are closed
After 5 pm on weekdays or on Saturdays, please enter from the side of the building (facing U Street) and state that you’re coming to the DC Center to the security team, who will let you in.
Are support groups/meetings meeting in-person, virtually or hybrid?
Based on surveys and conversations with peer group facilitators and participants, we are offering a hybrid (physical with webstation for Zoom), completely virtual, and in-person only, at each groups’ discretion. The information is available on the event sign-up for each group (easily found via:
Which groups/meetings, and when, are offering a hybrid (in-person with webstation) meeting option? (This list subject to change as groups choose to return to the DC Center’s offices)
2nd Fridays: WiTT from 8 – 9 pm
2nd Saturdays: GenderQueer from 1 – 3 pm (in-person only)
4th Wednesdays: Job Club from 6 – 7 pm.
4th Wednesdays: Ace/Aro Peer Support Group from 7 – 8:30 pm.
Which groups/meetings, and when, are offering a virtual (Zoom) only meeting option?
Any groups not listed above are meeting virtually.
Can I just walk-in to participate in a hybrid support group/meeting?
Currently, the Center is unable to accommodate walk-ups for peer support groups. Registration in advance will be required for peer support group meetings. Information in this regard will be circulated among peer support group leaders and participants as well as be listed on the Center’s website. This is to help make sure the room is not over-crowded.
Are therapy meetings still being offered at the Center?
At this time mental health therapy groups and sessions are available virtually (via HIPAA compliant Zoom) or in person. Therapy locations will be chosen based on conversations between clients and therapists, based on comfort/safety and availability.
When is the Center expected to open back up and what are some of the processes?
- Monday through Friday 12 to 6pm; Saturday 11 to 3pm.
- CyberStations are available via three computers.
- Mental Health services are available either virtually or in-person based on client/therapist decisions.
- New and expanding clothing closet and food pantry for those in need of clothes and food.
- The Art Gallery is opening while the office is open.
Now that the Center is reopening again, what kind of opportunities are available for those in the community who would like to get involved?
- The best way to stay current with the Center’s activities is to subscribe to our newsletter via our website which comes out every week. This includes volunteer opportunities, information about art installation, monthly programs, and all different social media accounts to get news updates.
- Volunteers wanting to become a support group facilitator are provided with the necessary training.
- Joining a support group is the best way to stay connected to the Center and others in the community.
- There is an events volunteer list to help in events like help preparing to open before events.
- Members of the community can also join a board committee to help and learn how the Center works.
What will be the mitigation efforts to reopen the Center back safely?
- The DC Center asks that if you are feeling ill, please wear a mask in our space.
Are masks required at the Center?
- The DC Center asks that if you are feeling ill, please wear a mask in our space.
What kind of sanitation procedures will be implemented to prevent the spread of the COVID-19?
- A sanitation station that includes wipes/sanitizer and masks are available to community members.
- Air purification system will be provided for various spaces within the Center.
If rates of COVID continue to rise in DC will the Center remain open?
- Federal and local guidelines will be closely monitored and adhered to, up to and including closing the Center due to an increase in COVID cases in the DC area to ensure the safety of our employees and constituents.
My name is Eric.
I would like to go in person for the tea time.
I am also a Certified Peer Specialist in DC.
Have a great day 😁!
We’ll be in touch!
Thanks for this update. However, it appears that BookMen DC somehow has gotten dropped from the list of groups associated with the Center. Please be assured that we continue to meet via Zoom on the first and third Wednesday of each month, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. If you could add us back to the roster and include us in the “What’s Happening at the DC Center” mass messages, we’d be very grateful!
Steve Honley ([email protected])
Bookmen DC
Hey Steve,
I’ll follow up with an email to figure out what’s going on.
I don’t see an address for the Center!
2000 14th Street NW, Suite 105, Washington, DC 20009