Proximos Eventos del Centro Latinx / Upcoming Center Latinx Events
*in english below*
Centro Latinx es un programa del Centro de DC Para la Comunidad LGBT. Servimos como un espacio para Latinxs queer, trans, género no-binario, afrodescendiente, Indígena, Dos Espíritus, y con discapacidades en el DMV (DC, Maryland, y Virginia) para conectar / crear / transformer.
Escribimos boletines bilingües que publicamos mensualmente, y patrocinamos events como las reuniones bimensuales de la Coalición Latinx en el Centro DC Para la Comunidad LGBT, una oportunidad para fomentar aprendizaje y colaboraciones entre miembrxs de la comunidad. Tambien organizamos talleres sobre la justicia de lenguaje y sobre el racismo anti-negro, noches para escribir cartas a personas encarceladxs, eventos de arte y cultura, y mas.
Mantengase conectadx: twitter: @centerlatinx | facebook: Center Latinx
Center Latinx is a program of The DC Center for the LGBT Community. We serve as a space for queer, trans, gender non-conforming, Black, brown, Indigenous, Two-Spirit, and disabled Latinxs in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) to connect / build / transform.
We write monthly newsletters and blogs, and host events like our bimonthly meetings of the Latinx Coalition at The DC LGBT Center, which is an opportunity to foment education and collaboration between community members. We also organize workshops on language justice and anti-Black racism, letter writing nights to support incarcerated folx, arts and cultural events, and more.
For more information about Center Latinx, contact the program coordinator, Lissette Miller: [email protected]
Stay connected: twitter: @centerlatinx | facebook: Center Latinx