Meet The Intern: Vaun

Welcome Vaun (She/Her) to the DC Center! She will be joining us as the Health and Wellness Intern. You can meet Vaun at the DC Center on weekdays and some evenings. Vaun is looking forward to supporting and participating in many of The DC Center events!


Birthdate, Astro Sign

August 19, Leo 

Where are you originally from? 


Why did you start working at the DC Center? 

I want to make a positive impact within my community

What has been your favorite part about working at the DC Center?

Getting to meet so many awesome people

What is your music anthem? 

Queendom by AURORA

What is your favorite part about the LGBTQ+ community? 

I love the bold fashion and colors

What is your favorite spot in DC and what do you do there? 

The Smithsonian castle Gardens, I love to sit and read or do work on my computer while I’m there.

What is your favorite queer movie?  


What color would you paint the White House, given the chance?  

Emerald Green

Who do you look up to in the queer community?
Billy Porter, he is from Pittsburgh and has given a lot back to the queer community in PGH

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